Our Staff Picks for 2024 and 2025
New Zealand has specific requirements for entering the country, which may apply to you. It is import…
Heading to Christchurch for a weekend away, visiting a friend or family, or as part of your travels …
Near the middle of New Zealand’s South Island, our tallest mountain, Aoraki meaning cloud-piercer in…
Our man on the ground, Ollie, an experienced Hiking New Zealand guide and valued member of the South…
When travelling to a new place, it’s essential to brush up on common terms of the local language. Yo…
Rewilding is a conservation approach that seeks to restore and rehabilitate ecosystems to a natural …
Arranging numerous trips for people from all over the world, we have come across the same questions …
"Tis impossible to be sure of anything but Death and Taxes." writes some unknown 18-century sage. Th…
What to do if you, or a loved one gets sick or injured in New Zealand? Know the Risks As with a…
Anna (Ngāi Tahu) has always loved the outdoors, having grown up camping, hiking and fishing with whā…
The tiny 131-hectare Mangere Island is a pest-free nature reserve, found just off the Pitt Island co…
Winter tramping is a little different, because so is winter. However, if you're adequately prepared,…
Immerse yourself in the breathtaking wonders of the Routeburn, a trek that has etched itself as my a…
An old Scandinavian proverb tells us “there’s no bad weather, only bad clothing.” While there are …
Before stepping on your flight to New Zealand, there are a few things you should know... What wi…
Multi-day hikes can lead to thrilling adventures that promise breath-taking landscapes, physical cha…
Coming from a country where the lack of time management in the morning can be compensated by hitting…
Arguably, the outcome of Aotearoa’s most important annual election amongst our feathered friends hol…
Karst landscape The tablelands of the north-west South Island are a remnant of once extensive sea-le…
The Chamois buck (or Chammie as us Kiwis like to affectionately call them) eyed us from his high per…
When it comes to booking airline flights, we’re all after a bargain as flight costs can be a signifi…
Sometimes you wonder if the weather actually cares what season it is in New Zealand. We have some lo…
Did your Leki poles weld themselves together again? I (Malcolm) went to use my alloy Leki walking …
“When you see someone putting on big boots, you can be sure adventure is about to happen” (Winnie th…
Michelle & Anne rolled their eyes. Claire had called for another summit selfie as the mist had momen…
New Zealand may be a tiny country at the very bottom of the world, but it has many claims to punc…
Visiting the largest city in New Zealand? Don’t miss out on the must see attractions in Tamaki Makau…
Smartphones and apps come in handy in everyday life, but can be especially helpful when you are trav…
"Pivot?", "I thought you said parrot." With the borders closed, ‘pivot’ has become the (overused) c…
Dreaming of a tropical breeze My toes are going numb in my frozen boots and I try to crack the ice o…
Urgh!!! Maggots everywhere!! I look inside the trap and see a humungous, partly disintegrated rat dr…
Take the stress out of your holiday and all the work, research, and uncertainty that goes into plann…
Rakiura National Park Beautiful, remote and untouched, Rakiura National Park on Stewart Island …
Michelle's top tips for hiking with kids My husband and I first took our two children, Maisie, now…
Nelson Lakes National Park The Nelson Lakes National Park is an enchanting landscape of rugged …
I love camping. The small yield of comfort returns a lot of enjoyment for me. It's about the beauty …
Kath Watzig: Kath originally hails from Oregon on the west coast of America. Soon after stepping o…
Abel Tasman National Park With a mild climate and pristine coastline of golden beaches, sculptur…
12 Virtual Hiking Trails Around the World Avid hikers everywhere are staying disciplined and st…
Aoraki/Mt Cook National Park Aoraki/Mt Cook National Park, in the heart of the Southern Alps, e…
Heading for the Hills in Level 2 It is a chaotic mess of boulders that once held up part of the su…
Tongariro National Park Lichen-covered volcanic slopes and barren lava flows, hot springs along…
Hiking Guide's Lockdown Lowdown As New Zealand enters week 5 of lockdown, it is fair to say we have …
Jeffrey Fitting (Inky) Inky is an explorer and sailor within the more remote parts of this worl…
Sleeping Bag Choice Sleeping bags are a relatively big-ticket item in your personal outdoor equipm…
Marios Gavalas: What do you get up to when you are not guiding? My greatest pleasure is han…
Jessi Meyer: Jessi is enthusiastic and passionate about the outdoors and being surrounded by natur…
Top 5 Views from Last SummerThe office coffee table chat is at fever pitch as we share the adven…
Mitch Hutchings: Mitch lives for exploring the outdoors and immersing himself in different culture…
For someone who has worshiped The Lord of The Rings their entire life, a tourism internship in New Z…
Nature is beautiful, and hiking is one of the best ways you can explore and enjoy it. It may also be…
Talk to us. You won’t get lost in a big organisation because we are small enough to really look afte…
Jeremy Martin: Growing up on the foothills of the Southern Alps of New Zealand with active hikers …
The Port Hills is a great location for scenic day walks that aren't too physically demanding. We …
When we’re out hiking, getting in enough fluids to replace those lost to perspiration and exposure t…
Dan Murphy One of Hiking New Zealand's directors, Dan Murphy, sat down with Great Walks Magazine t…
Kathryn Richards: Kathryn almost has a love of the outdoors imprinted in her DNA. Her upbringing o…
Christchurch is no longer a ‘land and leave’ location. It is now a ‘stop and drop’ destination! …
Sarah Akers: With a professional background in environmental planning and consulting Sarah brings …
So you love the outdoors and cannot wait to climb that next mountain or tackle that next trail - but…
Don’t fight it. Deep inside your brain you know that you are a tourist. Eventually, a huge force of …
Chai Pyle: Having grown up in the outdoors, Chai feels very much in his element guiding guests th…
Most headlamps can turn on when bumped, flattening the battery. Critical to outdoor hiking safety, s…
Winners of the 2019 #myadventure #mypeople photo competition Our Hiking New Zealand and Active Ear…
Hiking Guides Celebrate Successful Season That’s a wrap! The tents are rolled up and sleeping bags…
Project Island Song - Bay of Islands, Northland At the beginning of 2016 we became a corporate me…
...tune in to the right music and be mindful when you pee! “Take only photos, leave only footprint…
Get the low down on the Hiking New Zealand and Active Earth Adventures team. We asked Elena Jonsson …
Hiking is the perfect way to be immersed in the stunning wilderness. Nature can be very delicate so …
Thanks to all the people who have booked through us we have been able to keep supporting various env…
“Gaiters” aka - puttees, chaps or half boots Why? There are several reasons someone might choose…
One of the best things about trekking adventures is waking up each morning with wondrous views in pl…
If it is winter and you happen to tell people you are in the tourism industry the inevitable respons…
Over the coming months I will be looking at a range of La Sportiva trail running and hiking shoes. T…
I’m relieved it’s an unusually warm night as I hide out in the manuka trees wearing nothing but my u…
Get the low down on the Hiking New Zealand and Active Earth Adventures team. We asked Anika Zwaan wh…
Get the low down on the Hiking New Zealand and Active Earth Adventures team. We asked Magan McKenna …
Get the low down on the Hiking New Zealand and Active Earth Adventures team. We asked Martin Leslie …
According to the 2017 North American Camping Report, over six million new households have started ca…
Long black or Americano? As travellers we know that coffees have different names in different countr…
New Zealand is the perfect adventure holiday destination for a nature-loving thrill-seeker. Surfing,…
After a hike, you might have sore legs and be physically tired, but we all know getting outside is g…
Hiking New Zealand is Rated One of Australia and New Zealand’s “Best Kept Secret Tours” New Zealan…
Our Hiking New Zealand and Active Earth Adventures photo competition is now in its fourth successf…
My journey as an Intern at Hiking New Zealand continues: 7 days, 10 Australian ladies, one never-end…
Five amazing facts about the New Zealand landscape you probably never thought to ask Where can I s…
Four Strange NZ Flora and Fauna You’ve Probably Never Heard Of New Zealand is famous for its diver…
Where to head when wanderlust hits?I was about to finish my Masters degree in Sport Management when …
I love solo travel. I get to do what I want, when I want. But I also know myself – I’m not that orga…
A wonderful day walk in the Bay of Islands I had only just arrived in New Zealand to start my inte…
Waitangi Day is a public holiday held on the 6th February every year. We have this public holiday to…
As the end of my internship here at Hiking New Zealand drew closer, I was asked to join a weekend hi…
You’ll most likely be taking a long-haul flight (or two!) when you are traveling to New Zealand - he…
Craft Beer in New ZealandOver the past couple of decades, New Zealand, like the other “new world” co…
Make sure you have what it takes to keep yourself and your mates save when you head for the hills...…
If hiking is an important part of your life - and you probably wouldn’t be reading this if it wasn’t…
Hiking New Zealand recently guided a school group from Beijing around some of the splendid nature on…
Home Town? Ha, I say I come from the mid Hutt Valley which is the Bronx of New Zealand, a veritable …
The beauty of New Zealand’s great outdoors is best explored on foot. There is simply no better way t…
When travelling, it’s easy to feel a bit groggy and tired at times. Don’t fret, though – it’s easy t…
Your sleeping bag is one of your key pieces of camping equipment. Learn how to care for it - when yo…
Home Town? I grew up in Oxford, just up the road from Rangiora, and like a true Cantabrian have work…
Our Hiking New Zealand and Active Earth Adventures photo competition is in its third year now. Durin…
Consistently achieving outstanding traveller reviews means Hiking New Zealand has received the C…
There's a first time for everything!We looked back on our first days of hiking and thought of a few …
It is not always easy packing for a hiking trip – what is necessary and what is just a luxury? We ha…
Hiking in the rain It might sound like a miserable experience, but it doesn't need to be that way.…
Struck by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake in November last year, it might leave you wondering whether you…
The Best New Zealand Hiking Guides Our end of season weekend gets guides and partners and crew tog…
Hiking New Zealand – West Coast Wilderness The objective was to have a true New Zealand adventure,…
When we are in the Hiking New Zealand office we love reading Trip Advisor reviews and all the emails…
Entries are still open, however, be quick as they are closing on the 10 May 2017 for the Hiking New …
Bike it, hike it or run it? This purpose built 85km single track is fast becoming one of the best ba…
Surfing the internet to find the most suitable backpack for your next hiking adventure? Malcolm, Hi…
Get the low down on the Hiking New Zealand and Active Earth Adventures team. We asked Anne van der L…
Safety TipsTrail running is appealing for so many reasons; being in the outdoors is empowering, your…
The recent fire in the Port Hills of Christchurch means we need to think a little more creatively ab…
Are you a lover of thrills and excitement? Then New Zealand is the right spot for you! SwingWhe…
My son was pestering me that it was time I took him hiking again, and while it’s great to have kids …
Well we are certainly not claiming our Instagram accounts to be anywhere near as popular as Selena G…
The Hiking New Zealand team shares a passion for travelling and visiting beautiful places. To share …
Explore New Zealand’s constitutional and cultural capital, infamous for its windy weather and was vo…
Following the New Zealand earthquakes in North Canterbury, we would like to reassure families and fr…
Get the low down on the Hiking New Zealand and Active Earth Adventures team. Today we asked Eva Star…
Share a photo of #myparadise and WIN! Don't forget to bring your camera when going on one of our a…
Definition of ‘Young Man’s Country’ – a term that may have been overused by rural real estate agent…
Backpacking in New Zealand (hiking - trekking - tramping) Hiker with lost mind Hiking New Zealan…
We sometimes take our training seriously We, team Hiking New Zealand (Anne, Michelle and myself- Cl…
Get the low down on the Hiking New Zealand and Active Earth Adventures team. We asked Anne Murphy w…
Hiking New Zealand is committed to putting something back into the New Zealand wilderness. Fo…
Instagram has made a list of the top 10 Instagram locations in New Zealand by collecting the geo-tag…
Adventure awaits We needed an adventure, something different - not a typical get together for a bunc…
The line between work and play is pretty blurred here at Hiking New Zealand. Michelle and I put toge…
Get the low down on the Hiking New Zealand and Active Earth Adventures team. We asked Daniel Murphy …
Get the low down on the Hiking New Zealand and Active Earth Adventures team. We asked Michelle McCon…
The day finally dawned and we were on a roadie heading north out of Auckland; our destination - the …
Traversing the volcanic moonscape of contorted lava flows and ash fields as you climb to the emerald…
Hiking NZ director Malcolm witnessed a near accident at his local swimming hole recently so decided …
The Hiking New Zealand team consider Claire an honorary member. Not only did we first meet Claire wh…
Michelle walked the 8-day Gillespie and Rabbit Pass and rates it as a trip of a lifetime. It wasn’t …
Once again this year we were so impressed with the wonderful photos that were entered into our photo…
You’re off into the majestic outdoors for a day of exercise and relaxation. You’re taking your camer…
Daniel, co-owner of Hiking New Zealand, ensures he gets into the backcountry (Young Man's Country…
We have been well and truly impressed by the photographic skills of so many people that have hiked w…
Guide and Director, Dan Murphy, gives his account of the Dusky Track Expedition run by Hiking New Ze…
Caroline kept her friends and family updated with a blog as she travelled through NZ and by the end …
Some ideas of things to do before, after or in between our trips. In most cases we have done these a…
This summer season's photo competition is in full swing...a month ago we announced our first monthly…
Hiking boots can make or break our outdoors adventures Good quality hiking boots are an integral pa…
Break a long haul flight in Dubai (do buy)? Director Malcolm likes hiking, exploring, and talking to…
Glenys enjoys a journey through some of the North Island's forgotten wilderness - Lake Waikaremoana.…
Our New Zealand Wildlife Fund Each of us gets to make a case for a cause we are passionate about and…
From every Kiwi-style trip booked, we make a donation on our client’s behalf to our Wildlife Fund. D…
The Story of the Land The landscape of New Zealand is diverse and dramatic. There are steep mount…
Dan Murphy gets together with a group of old school mates each year and heads into the wilderness. T…
Five things I learned about Hiking New Zealand a week after my first day in the office - Angela Jane…
Who would of thought this was the middle of winter Talk in the office..The talk in the office wa…
Guest Blog by Chase M. This April (2015), Chase joined the Northland Discovery with his dad Jimmy af…
Guest Blog by Chase M. This April (2015), Chase joined the Northland Discovery with his dad Jimm…
If you surf the internet today there is one thing you can find everywhere: Blogs - or more precise…
Guest Blog by Chase M. This April (2015), Chase joined the Northland Discovery with his dad Jimmy a…
The problem when you are married to a hiking guide is you find yourself passing over all responsibil…
We were completely amazed and blown away by how many inspiring and evocative photos were entered int…
Guest Blog by Chase M. This April (2015), Chase joined the Northland Discovery with his dad Jimmy…
In what has quickly become a mid-week tradition we took for the hills once again. Mt Grey is a littl…
Unleash the Neanderthal within by using this tip for shopping. Does anyone else under-achieve when …
A quick mission to run to the top of Mt Isobel in Hanmer Springs, North Canterbury, between schoo…
Advice for travellers taking a camera on their New Zealand hiking holiday We talked to travel photo…
Guest Blog by Chase M. Read the first part of his Northland Discovery adventure "Cow piles are the …
Discover more than just rivers, wilderness and high mountains when you explore New Zealand’s nationa…
Cape Reinga WalkwayTapotupotu Bay to Te Rerenga Wairua (Cape Reinga) LocationYou will find the …
Glenys Erskine reflects on walking the Hump Ridge Track It has been over a year since I walked the …
Are you ready for adventure? Do you have questions about the country that you want to travel to? Di…
School mate carries a heave load. What has to stay at home? A whole summer and what feels like a…
The team here at Hiking New Zealand have a real passion for active travel and wild places. Like you,…
Hiking New Zealand uses its wildlife fund to support Penguins Plus It is a little known fact that b…
A money raising idea that cares for the planet and is easy to set up… This is one of those tasks th…
A "selfie" of Grum HNZ DAY 9 We are early up, and away with the first stop at Roaring Billy Falls. T…
German-born Eva Starostka is a tourism student from The Netherlands, in New Zealand to write her the…
We are all in this business for a reason, and that’s because we love adventure, the outdoors and doi…
If you want a hiking trip overflowing with varied habitats, great company and food then this is t…
Mt Richardson - via Blowhard Track and Richardson Track Location: The Blowhard Track starts from t…
BUS MANS HOLIDAY There is no denying we are a hiking family. You can’t own a business called Hikin…
Pinterest is the master of time consumption. It can suck me in for hours and hours, as I discover an…
One of our most experienced guides Graham Frith aka "Grum" has a love of the outdoors and sharing th…
Cycling around the world is growing rapidly in popularity. It is no longer an activity only for ly…
Join me (Dan) in Mongolia! Our inaugural exploratory hiking expedition to the Altai Mountains o…
Multi-day hiking - it's as simple as - food + clothes + pack + shoes or boots made for walking! It'…
With summer fast approaching we have put together our top ten swimming holes in no particular order …
Another helpful hint for hikers that will make life safer and more comfy in New Zealand's outdoors. …
Lightweight backpacking - it's either the new craze or maybe no one bothered to tell me sooner. I ma…
Musings on Australia's wilderness - why we love the place (but can't wait to come home) Hiking NZ D…
The Dalai Lama was once asked what the secret to being happy was. Apparently he answered “being happ…
Everyone fancies themselves as a wood chopper. However when you are out in the wilderness it pays to…
Hanmer Events organiser, co-ordinator and brains trust and Hiking New Zealand guide Graham Frith has…
Here is another in a series of helpful hints for hikers that will make life safer and more comfy in …
Here at Hiking New Zealand we chose to work in this industry because we have a passion for travel…
NEW TOURS - The Family Northern Explorer includes plenty of swimming in secret coves of tu…
Mongolia was everything Daniel hoped it would be. For two weeks he did not see any other tourists, t…
This is the first story in a series as we look back over 20 years in business. Thanks Mike for sha…
As we mark our 20th celebrations for Hiking New Zealand I asked Mark to reflect back over the years …
Ryan Holden, of Intrepid Magazine, explore's New Zealand's Secret South with Hiking New Zealand N…
The cool waters of the Queen Charlotte Sounds beckoned this summer and what better way to explore…
Hiking as a family is great! Walking, talking and discovering cool things with your kids is so…
It is not always as easy as it looks Pack MatchesNothing like sitting around a crackling fire aft…
Don't let a flapping tent ruin your sleep Can’t stop the bottom edge of your tent flapping noisily …
What is our swing like? Now days it seems like a lot of us can not last 24 hours without a decent c…
Always pack something for the unexpected If you are heading off on an overnight hike or exploring …
Anthony Benson joined the Ball Pass Alpine Trek for a taste of Mt Cook National Park at Christmas …
Keri Welham stretches her legs and her confidence on a two-day tramp over Cass - Lagoon Saddle in …
Molly Feltner reviews Hiking New Zealand's Secret South for online magazine, SmarterTravel.com - …
Student Anita Lee gets out of the city and into the wild on the West Coast Wilderness. As a city…
Booked an adventure with Active Earth Adventures & Hiking New Zealand? Grab your camera and start…
Glenys, took some time out from work to immerse herself in the wilderness of Alaska. Here is her blo…
We were again blown away with the amazing pictures our adventurers submitted... Starting with Alexa…
We bumped into these guys about 5 years ago when they were just two students out on the east coast o…
Travel is one of the best ways of getting out and seeing the world in style. However, many of us can…
Our Active Earth Adventures site has adventures beyond New Zealand as well as cycling, skiing, rafting... holidays in New Zealand.