5, 8, 20, 29 March, 2025
This delightful hiking route takes you on a traverse through the heart of Kahurangi National Park.
This ancient Māori trail is now one of New Zealand's "Great Walks" and is a well-formed track stretching 82 kilometres from Golden Bay to the West Coast. Climbing up through ancient beech forests you break out into expansive tussock lands.
With its gorgeous red tussocks, limestone cliffs, caves and twisted forest you could be in a Hobbit film. On the descent to the coast you pass giant gnarled rata trees, broad rivers (via bridges) and finally arrive at the wild nīkau palm-fringed beaches of the West Coast. The scenery and habitat are forever changing and the breathtaking views of rugged mountains all around will make you feel truly immersed in the wilderness.
Simple but comfortable huts provide apt accommodation at the end of each day and offer a real "kiwi tramping experience".