Jun 12, 2018

Our Hiking New Zealand  and Active Earth Adventures  photo competition is now in its fourth successful year. Like always, the banter was hot around the office at the end of each month when it came to selecting the monthly winners. We all like to have our say over a cup of tea and it generally led to stories of “when I was there…”

Often the winners stood out, however, there were times when we disagreed on who should win and the decision making ended in an arm wrestle. We really do enjoy pouring over all the images entered and love sensing how special adventure travel is for all of you too. The fact that the professionals didn’t pick one of the monthly winners suggests we don’t give up our day job anytime soon!

Once again, our very talented professional judges Rob Brown Photography and Jeannine Tuffin Photography jumped on board to choose the overall winner. The winner receives NZ$1000 towards their next trip booked with Hiking New Zealand or Active Earth Adventures.

The monthly and overall winners are below – congratulations to all the accomplished photographers out there!

Overall Winner:

( 1 ) Henrik Simonsen - Fiordland - Ultimate New Zealand

"This photo of Fiordland is our absolute winner photo! The mood has been captured very well by the contrast of the dark greens and mountain on one hand and the clouds and waterfalls on the other hand. The road winding itself through the photos shows where the next adventure, my adventure, may lead (us)." Jeannine Tuffin and Rob Brown

Henrik Simonsen UNZFjordlands2


( 2nd Overall ) Samantha Gibbons - Mt Cook Heli Hike  - Ultimate South

"The combination of light and cold colours and the composition is very appealing. The people walking towards the light (sun) has been very well caught / captured." Jeannine Tuffin and Rob Brown

Samantha Gibbons Ult South 2ND OVERALL2


( 3rd Overall ) L Wilson - Kayak Abel Tasman - Abel Tasman 5 Day Hike and Kayak

"The atmosphere has been perfectly captured. The very balanced composition of all elements in this photo, especially the kayaks pointing to the open sea, let us imagine what an adventure will lay ahead of us today." Jeannine Tuffin and Rob Brown

LWilson ATT 3RD OVERALL Sunrise2


Monthly winners : 


November 2017 - Anna Fetterplace - Lake Waikaremoana 

Ultimate North

Anna Fetterplace UN Nov WINNER2




December 2017 - Anna Berglund - Ballroom Hike 

Ultimate South

Anna Berglund Dec US WINNER2



January 2018 - David Josephy  - Falcon 

Ultimate South

David Josephy US Falcon WINNER2




February 2018 - Margaret Fell - Milford Sound 

Ultimate South

Margaret Fell US WINNER4


March 2018 - Ken Grossman - Ballroom Hike 

Ultimate South

Ken Grossman UNZ BallroomWINNER2


April 2018 - Laurent Itin - Sealy Tarns 

Ultimate New Zealand 

Lauren Itin Mt Cook WINNER6


Congratulations to all our winners and thank you everyone for your participation !



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