Jun 3, 2019

Project Island Song - Bay of Islands, Northland


At the beginning of 2016 we became a corporate member of Project Island Song.

This group is restoring the ecology of a number of islands and peninsulas in Northland's Bay of Islands area. This biology restoration concept is broadly termed 'island restoration ecology'.

Project Island Song is a partnership between a community conservation group, local Maori (Rawhiti hapu and Ngati Kuta and Patukeha) and the Department of Conservation. The vision is for ecosystems restoration in the Bay Of Islands. Kiwi and other birds are now benefiting.

Recent activity includes planting day on Moturua, and the news that monitoring had found rats on one of the pest-free islands. Damn!

We have been hiking in the Cape Brett end of this area for over 10 years on both our Far North and Northern Discovery trips. The coastal hike that we do is without a doubt the most splendid hike in Northland - and made all the better by the lack of other people and the great bush and birdlife there.

Bay of Islands Hike New Zealand

Our hike on the Far North and Northland Discovery passing along this stunning coast - all the more stunning thanks to the efforts of the individuals who run Project Island Song.

As well as the Project Island Song trust there are a number of other committed individuals who just get out and make stuff happen of their own accord - Living Waters Tangatapu Restoration, and Peter Shape and his family to name a couple.

East Bay of Islands enviro trapping work map

The area we hike in is in the east side of this map - the black outline that looks like a tyrannosaurus rex emerging from reddish primordial slime and chasing a six legged possum - or is that just me? The touristy end of the Bay of Islands is on the far left - Paihia & Russell

For your interest here is a summary of how money gets spent. Its crazy how much it costs to keep these poor creatures alive....


- Noose and Necklace – two lines across isthmus from Tanagtapu to Whangamumu and down coast to Peter Sharpe’s property, monthly service DOC200s, cat traps, bait stations. Annual cost $3000
- Whangamumu RPMS – DOC land around Whangamumu harbour, monthly servicing of 27 stoat traps. Annual cost $2700
- Te Akau Saddle – fortnightly service of DOC200s, cat traps, rat traps and timms along roadway from Rawhiti Junction to Elliot Bay. Annual cost $3300
- Elliots Farm – 12 DOC200s serviced fortnightly. Annual cost $3300

Total $12,300


These people are taking charge and looking after their own back yard. I take my hat off to them.

Mo footer new



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