Our Commitment to Sustainability

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Welcome to Hiking New Zealand, and thank you for being a responsible and environmentally conscious traveller. If you weren't, you would not have taken the simple step of clicking on our Sustainable Tourism page.

Our entire business is based around our natural environment, our rivers, mountains, lakes, coastlines, forests and wildlife. These are our assets and our futures depend on them. 

No doubt you will have high expectations of what you are going to see and experience in New Zealand, and we want to ensure that those expectations are met and exceeded, not just now but in the future too. Your children and grandchildren (and generations to come) should also be able to experience that raw and pristine beauty that New Zealand has to offer. 

Our founding objectives were all about getting people out into the wilderness, to learn, be inspired, and have fun and to foster greater environmental awareness. 


Sustainability Commitment

We have signed up to and fully support the New Zealand Tourism Sustainability Commitment. We are playing our part in leading the world in sustainable tourism. The team at Hiking New Zealand are committed to awakening people to the benefits of the wilderness and by doing this we contribute to the restoration, protection and enhancement of the natural environment around us. 

Environmental Guidelines

These guidelines have been modelled on the environmental care code promoted by The Department of Conservation and we follow them when we are out in the wilderness. 


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Our Environmental Plan

Our plan includes a multitude of other procedures that are implemented both in our office and out in the field. All these embrace kaitiakitanga, manaakitanga and whanaungatanga.

We will continue to promote hiking as a tourism activity as we firmly believe that the benefits are far reaching, the environmental effects are low and very much outweighed by the fact that the preservation of our natural world depends on getting people from all walks of life out there to experience it. That way we can all know how much there is to lose, and doing nothing is not an option.

We have a proven history of running sustainable guided hiking tours which is backed up with our exemplary operational and safety procedures. 



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