May 14, 2014
Pinterest is the master of time consumption. It can suck me in for hours and hours, as I discover and pin and then discover more and pin more.... Sometimes I get lost in a sea of images and outdoor adventure is no exception.
West Coast starfish colony, New Zealand, photo courtesy of Mundoview

I took it upon myself to save you some time

I did a little digging (not time consuming at all!) to find the best of the best in travel and outdoor adventure on Pinterest. And while I’m sure I didn’t even crack the tip of the iceberg, I have rounded up 5 of my favorite Pinterest accounts or boards, from brands you may recognize to personal accounts you may not. Join me and be inspired!

Stunning images from lakes to mountains to Hobbit houses
New Zealand

Beaches and water seem to be the trend here, beautiful imagery is used 
Travel Inspiration by The Style Junkies 

Wineglass Bay, Tasmania, photo courtesy

Or if adventure travel is your thing have a look at this board..
Adventure Travel 

Tenting in the Alps, Photo courtesy -

Australia and the Pacific Islands, countries with so much to offer from amazing cultural experiences to spectacular flora and fauna
Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands 

Young lady of New Zealand, Photo courtesy

And last but not least some words to make us ponder and hopefully motivate you to get out and embrace the experiences that travel can give maybe I should take one for the team and ensure I pin awesome images to our Hiking New Zealand boards so go on follow us :) 
Hiking New Zealand

What are you waiting for? Photo courtesy


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