High above Edwards hut near Williams Saddle
High above Edwards hut near Williams Saddle
Loving the river crossings!
Loving the river crossings!
The Edwards valley tumbling downstream over greywacke and schist boulders.
The Edwards valley tumbling downstream over greywacke and schist boulders.
Negotiating a natural staircase of rock and tree roots
Negotiating a natural staircase of rock and tree roots
Stopping for a drink. Pristine and drinkable water is in abundance on this hike.
Stopping for a drink. Pristine and drinkable water is in abundance on this hike.
Emerging into the wide and braided Mingha river bed
Emerging into the wide and braided Mingha river bed
Refuelling after the hike
Refuelling after the hike
Pitch a tent if you prefer a room to yourself.
Pitch a tent if you prefer a room to yourself.
Following rivers is an integral part of back-country travel in New Zealand
Following rivers is an integral part of back-country travel in New Zealand
Crossing the Mingha River with Mt Williams in the background.
Crossing the Mingha River with Mt Williams in the background.
All packed and ready to hike
All packed and ready to hike
Hut life, a place for yarns, cups of tea, great food and a bed for the night.
Hut life, a place for yarns, cups of tea, great food and a bed for the night.
Edwards Hut - a welcome sight at the end of the day!
Edwards Hut - a welcome sight at the end of the day!
Take your time on these trails. Catch your breath and enjoy the view.
Take your time on these trails. Catch your breath and enjoy the view.
Strategically place tree roots make the climbs easier!
Strategically place tree roots make the climbs easier!
Leaving the forest behind and hiking alongside the Edwards River
Leaving the forest behind and hiking alongside the Edwards River
Moss laden beech forests
Moss laden beech forests
Silver, Red and Mountain Beech dominate the forests of Arthurs Pass
Silver, Red and Mountain Beech dominate the forests of Arthurs Pass
No bridges here - your boots will get wet.
No bridges here - your boots will get wet.
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